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Office Manager

Melyssa Gonzalez

  • 1. What brought you to Westside?

    I was drawn to Westside because I was seeking a company where I could learn and grow, especially in the real estate industry, a field about which I’m passionate. Westside presented itself as a place where I could achieve these goals.

  • 2. What is your background?

    I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. I am a second-generation American; both my parents were born and raised in Miami, FL as well. I attended school in the public school system and continued my education at the local state university named Florida International University.

  • 3. What skills are necessary to excel at your job?

    To excel at my job at Westside, it is essential to be adaptable, able to effectively communicate with colleagues, and willing to put in the effort to achieve success.

  • 4. Is there anything that surprised you working at Westside?

    One thing that surprised me while working at Westside is the abundance of opportunities to learn in various departments of the company. There are ample chances for professional development and growth within the organization.

  • 5. How do you like to spend your free time?

    In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, going out on the boat, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These activities help me stay balanced, allowing me to bring my best self to both my personal and professional endeavors.


Revitalizing Potential, Transforming
Underutilized Properties
